[CentOS-devel] CBS/Infra Meeting 24-Nov-2014 14:00 UTC
Fabian Arrotin
arrfab at centos.org
Mon Nov 24 15:02:29 UTC 2014
Hash: SHA1
On 24/11/14 04:46, Brian Stinson wrote:
> Greetings All!
> Every week we get together to talk about the status of the CentOS
> Community Build System[1]. We will be meeting on 24-Nov-2014 at
> 14:00 UTC in #centos-devel on freenode.
> Agenda: #info Topic: Status Updates #info Subtopic: Centralized
> Authentication[2] with IPA[3] #info Subtopic: Git Infrastructure -
> lookaside cache for uploading non-text sources for package
> building #info Subtopic: Koji/Repos - Version pinning on the
> builders - What else needs rebuilding? #info Subtopic: Centpkg[4] -
> Release process? #info Topic: Open Floor
Meeting minutes :
#centos-devel: CBS/Infra
Meeting started by bstinson at 14:00:23 UTC. The full logs are available
at centos-devel/2014/centos-devel.2014-11-24-14.00.log.html .
Meeting summary
- ---------------
* Agenda (bstinson, 14:01:13)
* Topic: Status Updates (bstinson, 14:01:22)
* Subtopic: Centralized Authentication (bstinson, 14:01:38)
* Subtopic: Git Infrastructure (bstinson, 14:01:46)
* Subtopic: Koji/Repos (bstinson, 14:01:52)
* Subtopic: Centpkg (bstinson, 14:02:03)
* Topic: Open Floor (bstinson, 14:02:09)
* Status Updates (bstinson, 14:02:36)
* koji builder mock was updated to mock 1.2.1 and causes problem. it
has been fixed at 9am UTC on Monday. (alphacc, 14:08:13)
* ACTION: enable infra6 repo on builder and update to new package.
I'll announce a date on centos-devel. (alphacc, 14:16:17)
* centpkg is ready to build, since it now supports the sig SRPM
workflow (bstinson, 14:23:09)
* Open Floor (bstinson, 14:47:23)
* please join the FAS/IPA discussion here:
(bstinson, 14:54:57)
* or here:
(bstinson, 14:55:10)
Meeting ended at 14:59:35 UTC.
Action Items
- ------------
* enable infra6 repo on builder and update to new package. I'll announce
a date on centos-devel.
Action Items, by person
- -----------------------
* enable infra6 repo on builder and update to new package. I'll
announce a date on centos-devel.
People Present (lines said)
- ---------------------------
* bstinson (32)
* alphacc (23)
* imcleod (12)
* Evolution (11)
* MerlinTHP (8)
* Arrfab (8)
* kbsingh (5)
* mikem (5)
* walters (5)
* eparis (4)
* centbot (3)
PS: you can find the whole log and summary files here :
- --
Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
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