[CentOS-devel] question on build system for Centos 7

Johnny Hughes

johnny at centos.org
Fri Nov 21 21:40:08 UTC 2014

On 11/21/2014 02:46 AM, Thomas Oulevey wrote:
> Hi Dongwu,
> On 11/21/2014 01:36 AM, Dongwu Zeng wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I recently run into a problem while building a package in Centos 7.
>> It seems that the problem is related with the type of file system
>> being used. If the file system is ext4, then the problem doesn't
>> show up. However, if  the system uses XFS, then a test in the
>> "%check" section fails.
> Please open a ticket at https://bugs.centos.org with the extra info I
> mention below, so we can track it.
> CentOS-devel should not be use for bug reports.
> What package ?
> What build ? link to koji ?
>> So I'm wondering what type of file system is used on build systems
>> for Centos 7. Is it ext4 or xfs?
> On cbs.c.o, the builder uses ext4 (CentOS 6 box).

The CentOS builders for CentOS-7 OS also use ext4 on a CentOS-6 boxes
using mock.

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