[CentOS-devel] Storage SIG Meeting notes 2014-11-21

Mon Nov 24 13:22:09 UTC 2014
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>


On Friday 21st Nov 2014, there was a short syncup re; CentOS Storage SIG
and a status check

highlights from this meeting:

* Lala offering to take up slack since Patrick is busy and take over
running meetings moving forward
-- to propose a meeting date/time slot on centos-devel list
-- to establish where the meeting to take place ( most people seem to
like irc and therefore #centos-devel might be an option )

Status Checks:
* gluster is ready to move into testing, BLOCKED ON: sign and release
process being implemented
* openafs is making progress, using Fedora COPR for builds. Lala to
interface with Andrew and JBillings to get them setup with koji access
--- for now, build via SRPMS since git -> koji is not quite 100%
--- openafs also needs conversation and consideration around building
kmod's for multiple kernel versions, and to build/rebuild on every
kernel release ( speak to Thomas, Mike and buildsys group for feedback )
---  openafs is not tested client + server side, contributors feel there
should be -some- testing on both sides before we pass along confidence
in builds to users

* SCST folks are keen to join the effort, KB to introduce them into group


Karanbir Singh
+44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh
GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc