Hi guys, this is related to the new SCL SIG [1], which is supposed to bring SCL development into CentOS, which is supposed to become upstream for Software Collections. I've promised I'd look at how dist-git could look like on CentOS side, since we want to start keeping source code for SCLs under CentOS soon. So, [2] is a proposal -- please, take a look at it, so we have something to start with. Let's see if it is feasible. We can also move it to CentOS wiki, which would be more appropriate place for it, but I cannot figure out a where I have permissions to add some new content to. More information about Software Collections concepts is available at [3]. What next? I think we should gather some feedback on this proposal, try to figure out open questions there. Then we will pick up some software collection and create some PoC build from CentOS dist-git. Regards, Honza [1] http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo [2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Hhorak/Draft/centos-scl-git-proposal [3] https://www.softwarecollections.org/en/docs/guide/