[CentOS-devel] [Atomic SIG] Setting base packages for Atomic

Fri Sep 12 15:10:35 UTC 2014
Joe Brockmeier <jzb at redhat.com>

Sent this to the atomic-devel list a bit ago, but also wanted to put it
in front of centos-devel for any interested parties who aren't on

Also was sitting in my drafts folder for a few days, so "today" was
actually like Monday of this week. Sorry!

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [atomic-devel] Setting base packages for Atomic
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 10:08:25 -0500
From: Joe Brockmeier <jzb at redhat.com>
Reply-To: jzb at redhat.com
Organization: Red Hat (Open Source and Standards)
To: atomic-devel at projectatomic.io

Hi all,

So - question came up on Fedora's Cloud SIG mailing list today about
whether to include Mesos. The reply was "we want to stick to the
upstream definition... but there isn't one."

We need to define this to help Fedora and CentOS (and also encourage
those communities to join this discussion).

Here's the repo for Fedora Atomic, currently:

[master] https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/fedora-atomic.git/tree/
[f21] https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/fedora-atomic.git/tree/?h=f21

I'd like to pull together a default template for Atomic or minimal set
of packages, though I think it's fine of CentOS and Fedora depart from
that as needed as long as the core set of services are intact.


Joe Brockmeier | Principal Cloud & Storage Analyst
jzb at redhat.com | http://community.redhat.com/
Twitter: @jzb  | http://dissociatedpress.net/

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