[CentOS-devel] package telepathy-idle missing?

Wed Sep 10 06:53:06 UTC 2014
Manuel Wolfshant <wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro>

On 09/09/2014 11:57 PM, Sven Kieske wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Devs,
> thanks for your great work with CentOS 7 :)
> Now to my problem:
> http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=7580
> In order to use IRC (e.g. connecting to #centos and #centos-devel ;) )
> I need telepathy-idle for the standard IM program called "empathy" in
> EL7.
> Is there really no upstream package for this?
> I couldn't find anything in git.centos.org
The initial import of packages on git.c.o is done by RH. If the package 
you were looking for is not there, then it was not uploaded. Assuming 
that telepathy-idle exists in RHEL 7 , then probably whoever uploaded 
the packages to git.c.o made an error, i.e. forgot about this package. 
So, get in touch with RH and ask them to fix this. Since CentOS is just 
a consumer of the content uploaded to this git repository, there is 
nothing special CentOS can do ( Of course we could provide the package 
in an alternate repository, but given the case it looks more like food 
for EPEL )

> After some miscommunication with toracat (sorry if I was a little harsh)
> he told me that this must be an upstream error.
And, IF telepathy-idle exists in RHEL 7 ( I have no RHEL subscription so 
I cannot verify ) THEN yes, it is an upstream error. They forgot to push 
the sources for it.

> I would just like to verify this on this list
> before I go bothering upstream with a bugreport.
> So it would be nice to know if someone can confirm
> the findings of toracat.
> Then I can start arguing with RH what the hell they thought
> about not adding irc support in their standard IM client, then install
> pidgin (again).
Or you could build the desired package and use it.
