Hi All, This is my first attempt to create a CentOS7 Vagrant box using CBS (CentOS build system). The idea is to create a Vagrant image which can used as development box for packaging applications in CentOS Linux containers. This Vagrant box will also have required Linux container tools (e.g. atomic command line, k8ns, etcd). If you want to see any tool in this Vagrant box, let me know. The present build includes Docker. The scratch build is at http://cbs.centos.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=10480 Here are steps how you can quickly test the image. I am looking for feedback on the same. More detailed information is present in the github project [1] . I have used Fedora21 to set-up Vagrant with libvirt/KVM backend. There is a effort going on to provide Vagrant packages on CentOS too as now it is not available through CentOS core. #Setting up Vagrant on Fedora 21 $yum/dnf install -y vagrant-libvirt vagrant #Running the Vagrant box with Vagrant and libvirt I have also uploaded the images in https://atlas.hashicorp.com/lalatendum/boxes/centos7-docker Step-1 : Initialising a new Vagrant environment by creating a Vagrantfile vagrant init lalatendum/centos7-docker Step-2 : To start the vagrant image and ssh in to it, please run following command vagrant up vagrant ssh vagrant ssh should take you inside of the Vagrant box #To destroy the Vagrant box vagrant destroy #Running docker inside the Vagrant box Inside the vagrant box, you should be run docker containers Example: (following commands should be run inside the Vagrant box) docker pull centos docker run -t -i centos /bin/bash [1] https://github.com/LalatenduMohanty/centos7-container-app-vagrant-box Thanks, Lala