[CentOS-devel] RH patches v/s vanilla docker in CentOS

Mon Apr 20 21:40:27 UTC 2015
Joe Brockmeier <jzb at redhat.com>

On 04/20/2015 03:43 PM, Jim Perrin wrote:
>> > I've pretty much decided that 'docker' in virt SIG would only track upstream
>> > sources (no RH patches in it). Don't want this to sound like "I don't care
>> > what anyone says", but docker upstream and many CentOS users want a build
>> > which will only track upstream docker sources. Having 'docker' in virt SIG to
>> > be this build sounds like the way to go.
> Agree. It would be nice to hear what the Atomic SIG folks think about
> this though as they're direct consumers.

FWIW, I would lean towards Docker+patches. But I assume we'd have that
in the RHELAH rebuild even if not in virt SIG packages.


Joe Brockmeier | Principal Cloud & Storage Analyst
jzb at redhat.com | http://community.redhat.com/
Twitter: @jzb  | http://dissociatedpress.net/

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