[CentOS-devel] Building a downstream CentOS Atomic Host

Tue Apr 21 07:28:02 UTC 2015
Lalatendu Mohanty <lmohanty at redhat.com>

On 04/21/2015 12:00 PM, Lalatendu Mohanty wrote:
> On 04/14/2015 04:52 PM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
>> Hi,
>> One of the things that the Atomic SIG will attempt to do is build a
>> downstream CentOS Atomic host, that is modelled on the RHEL Atomic host.
>> Most code and info needed for this is now available, and its a good
>> point to think about the build, release process. I've attached a map of
>> what that might look like. Think of it as a proposal.
> +1. I think this will serve as the stable build for CentOS Atomic SIG.
> Have we decided about the time-line to make this happen?

The reason I am interested in it because I am getting in to one or other 
issues while using the test builds of CentOS Atomic hosts and don't 
think SIG provides a stable build yet.  So I think rebuilding the RHEL 
Atomic will give us a stable Atomic host.

>> Some of the things that are marked with red stars are things that we
>> will try and help, from the Core SIG, to get this process onramped - but
>> largely we are looking at community and SIG involvement here with the
>> aim that the entire process can be offload ( taken over ? ) but the
>> community.
>> This process proposed here very closely maps to the Core CentOS Linux
>> process.
>> I would very much like to hear comments and thoughts around this from
>> everyone on centos-devel, specially around areas where people can help.
>> Regards
> -Lala
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