[CentOS-devel] Central Auth: Group naming and Process Proposal

Thu Aug 6 07:49:15 UTC 2015
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

Hash: SHA1

On 05/08/15 22:01, Brian Stinson wrote:
> Hi All,
> We're working on testing instances of FAS for storing our
> user/group membership information used by the CBS. I'd like to talk
> about group naming and the permissions model to get some input. The
> goal is to get these discussions going so we can set up our test
> environment to mirror what we'll roll out in production. Consider
> this a proposal, and please send comments my way (on-list
> please!).
> Groups will use the convention 'sig-<shortname>', for example:
> people in the Cloud SIG will be members of the FAS group
> 'sig-cloud'. This convention will allow push access in dist-git to
> any branch that starts with sig-cloud (sig-cloud7,
> sig-cloud7-openstack, sig-cloud7-openstack-juno) and grant build
> permissions under the SIG tags in Koji[0].
> FAS has 3 types of membership in a group: Admin, Sponsor, and User.
> All 3 levels will be granted commit/build permissions, while only
> Admins and Sponsors can modify members of the group.
> To match our permissions model[1], I propose: - We populate the
> 'Accounts' (Global Admin) group with the members of the CentOS
> Board. - The Board member responsible for each SIG will create the
> appropriate SIG group in FAS - The Board member will add
> him/herself as an admin of the group - The Board member will
> sponsor the SIG Chair as a sponsor for the group - From then on,
> the SIG Chair and Board member can sponsor others into the group as
> users (and optionally add more sponsors to the group)
> Anyone have thoughts? Once we reach consensus, I'll get this
> written up for the SIG wiki page.
> Cheers! Brian
> [0]: http://wiki.centos.org/BrianStinson/GitBranchesandKojiTags 
> [1]: http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup

So in that configuration, that also means that a SIG Chair has now
more "power" but then also more responsabilities. As FAS will be a
"self-service" user registration tool, it will be easy for someone to
create an account, then be sponsorized within a SIG by a Chair, to
then be able to build in Koji (against tags for that SIG) and also
commit/push to the correct hierarchy on git.centos.org.
I guess (and it's the common scenario now) that we don't want to
restrict things like some people from a SIG being able to build only,
and not commit to git, or the reverse, but if we want to do it, we can
still filter on group membership, like this :

- - FAS TopLevel
  - SIG-$example
    - SIG-$example-build
    - SIG-$example-git

- -- 

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)
