[CentOS-devel] CentOS for Oracle Cloud Marketplace

Wed Dec 16 01:25:25 UTC 2015
ajay seetharam <ajay.seetharam at oracle.com>

We did a test with CentOS 15.03 RAW image 
and it boots up with no changes in Oracle Compute Cloud Service. Oracle 
Compute supports the same Amazon data source and cloud-init metadata for 
ssh keys - so it inserted the ssh keys just fine into the CentOS 
instance. (The Oracle Compute Cloud Service requires image files in RAW 
.tar.gz format - so we had to do one small extra step of compressing. 
Longer term we can see if the builds can automatically include a .tar.gz 
format for raw images)

We will do a quick test with CentOS 15.10 latest version posted at 
Assuming it works ok as well, please let us know if we can take it, 
.tar.gz it, and publish the image on Oracle Cloud Marketplace with the 
publisher listed as centos.org.
If there are any other process steps, please let us know.

Thanks and Regards,
Ajay Seetharam
Technical Director, Oracle Development