[CentOS-devel] What base OS should I run koji on?

Fri Dec 11 12:00:57 UTC 2015
Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel at gmail.com>

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 4:46 PM, Mike McLean <mikem at imponderable.org> wrote:
> Err, wait, you said for EPEL and Fedora,... that would be this doc.
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Using_the_Koji_build_system

The legal side of things is good: I'm trying to submit python modules
from pypi.python.org to support an RPM for the AWS command line
interface, with the maintainer's buy-in, and a whole stack of other
python modules.

I followed the directions very precisely, much like the last several
times I tried to use koji. I got further this time by starting with
Fedora 23, but I get this:

[nkadel at nkadel-f23 python-py2pack-srpm]$ koji --debug build --scratch
f24 rpmbuild/SRPMS/python-py2pack-0.4.10-0.1.fc23.src.rpm
successfully connected to hub
Uploading srpm: rpmbuild/SRPMS/python-py2pack-0.4.10-0.1.fc23.src.rpm
2015-12-11 06:44:40,176 [DEBUG] koji: Fast upload:
rpmbuild/SRPMS/python-py2pack-0.4.10-0.1.fc23.src.rpm to
2015-12-11 06:44:40,721 [DEBUG] koji: Fast upload:
rpmbuild/SRPMS/python-py2pack-0.4.10-0.1.fc23.src.rpm complete. 40476
bytes in 0.3 seconds

Created task: 12151626
Task info: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=12151626
Watching tasks (this may be safely interrupted)...
12151626 build (f24, python-py2pack-0.4.10-0.1.fc23.src.rpm): open
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/koji", line 6733, in <module>
    rv = locals()[command].__call__(options, session, args)
  File "/usr/bin/koji", line 955, in handle_build
    return watch_tasks(session, [task_id], quiet=build_opts.quiet)
  File "/usr/bin/koji", line 456, in watch_tasks
    changed = task.update()
  File "/usr/bin/koji", line 361, in update
    self.info = self.session.getTaskInfo(self.id, request=True)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/koji/__init__.py", line 1577,
in __call__
    return self.__func(self.__name,args,opts)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/koji/__init__.py", line 1952,
in _callMethod
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable