[CentOS-devel] Updates i686 of Centos 7

Mon Dec 14 15:17:08 UTC 2015
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 12/11/2015 02:00 PM, Fabian Arrotin wrote:
> On 11/12/15 20:40, john tatt wrote:
>> Hi everybody
>> I don't find anything in updated or cr-repo for i686 arch. It seems
>> that most of these packages are already available in the x86_64 .
>> So what's up ?
>> thanks
> Hi John,
> So, one thing to keep in mind is that CentOS 7 i 686 is AltArch, so
> while built in parallel of the x86_64 version (for multilib reasons),
> it will not get the same focus as x86_64 (primary arch). It's true
> that maybe CR could have been populated for c7 i686 at the same time ..
> OTOH, let's consider that we're now so close to the official
> announcement that it doesn't make sense to populate a CR repo now (as
> it would eat the bandwidth used to seed the official release ;-) )

AltArch repos do not get the same attention as primary repos (that is
one reason they are altarch) .. but expect to i686 AltArch released by
Wednesday of this week.

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