[CentOS-devel] Feedback on C7 Vagrant Box

Jeff Sheltren

jeff at tag1consulting.com
Wed Jul 8 17:02:49 UTC 2015

Hi, I've started doing some testing on the Virtualbox Vagrant box (

I've hit a couple of issues:

1) The disk size, at about 8 GB, is too small.  Could it be bumped to
50-100 GB? Since the on-disk image will grow dynamically this won't take up
that much space by default but will make it usable for those that need more
storage on the root partition (and I don't want to have to custom mount
additional partitions).

2) The VirtualBox Guest Additions aren't included.  I'm assuming this is
due to a licensing issue and not that they were simply not considered but
wanted to double check.

Otherwise it's been great, and saves me having to build my own custom box,
which is definitely a win.

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