[CentOS-devel] Adding midonet-release to CentOS Extras (as a CATPR?)

Mon Jul 27 08:33:11 UTC 2015
Sandro Mathys <sandro at mathys.io>

Dear all,

We, the MidoNet community [0], would like to include a midonet-release
(or similarly named) package with the required yum repo files into
CentOS Extras - similar to epel-release or centos-openstack-release
packages in the same repo. For reference, our repos live at [1].

MidoNet is a network virtualization software and while our main focus
is currently OpenStack, other use cases exist and will get more
attention in future (mostly containers I guess) - which is why we
would like to be included in CentOS Extras and not just in
centos-openstack/rdo repos (if these accept release packages at all).

I asked in #centos about this and was pointed here, so I hope someone
can tell me what the process for this would look like and how to get
started with it. I was told that IUS is undergoing the same process
but couldn't find any information about this.

I was also pointed to the "CATPR" guidelines [2] which I found to
likely still being in draft status [3] but it should be no problem to
fulfill the given requirements. We're only providing add-on packages
and we have a bug tracker to report issues [4].

Sandro Mathys
MidoNet Community Manager

[0] https://www.midonet.org/
[1] http://repo.midonet.org/
[2] https://gist.github.com/carlgeorge/ae71d54c99d3536ee352
[3] http://wiki.centos.org/CarlGeorge/CATPR
[4] https://midonet.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa