[CentOS-devel] [CentOS-CR-announce] CEBA-2015:1286 CentOS 6 glibc BugFix Update

Mon Jul 27 09:06:02 UTC 2015
Olivia <olivia8822 at outlook.com>

Hey you. This is really easy and I've been hoping this entire time you are legit and wouldn't just be all talk cause this emailing isn't the kind of pleasure I am looking for lol. I'm back at my house right now having a Frappuccino my favorite thing ever! We could always meet at a starbucks too If you wanted I love their drinks. I hope you will call me. You just have to take a few seconds to verify you are safe on this page - http://www.bcmeetnow.com/userms/olivia/

CL is full of all kinds of people I know you are real and I like how you talk now i just need to make sure you are safe before we finally meet in person now. 

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