A small update for anybody who didn't follow the discussions last weeks around Software Collections in CentOS. Since we got quite a lot requests for devtoolset-3, we started with this collection. That one also requires the most problematic collections maven30 and rh-java-common, that are quite challenging to be rebuilt. Some packages that do not require java packages are already built in cbs.centos.org and available in this repo: http://cbs.centos.org/repos/sclo7-devtoolset-3-sclo-release/x86_64/os/ In order to accomplish the successful rebuilding of all packages we decided to import binary packages into cbs.centos.org as an external repo and rebuild the collections using those packages. Great news from today is it seems the imported packages work -- I was able to build the package devtoolset-3-apache-commons-el that during build needed a package not build in CBS yet (devtoolset-3-hamcrest, successfully used from the imported set). Completing my action items from last meeting: Task bug for creating tags for maven30 and rh-java-common collections: https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=9150 Task bug for creating components in dist-git for collections maven30, rh-java-common and devtoolset-3: https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=9151 The next step now is to rebuild those three collections using the external repo, while storing the sources into git.centos.org already. Branches for those packages will follow patterns described at http://wiki.centos.org/BrianStinson/GitBranchesandKojiTags, which means e.g. packages for devtoolset-3 will use branch sig-sclo7-devtoolset-3-sclo. Look-aside cache is still not ready, but Fedora's look-aside cache should be fine enough in most cases. Honza