[CentOS-devel] Problems with custom centos-atomic-host build

Sat Jun 27 17:01:41 UTC 2015
Andres Toomsalu <andres at opennodecloud.com>


Im trying to do custom centos-atomic-host build - from unmodified 
https://github.com/CentOS/sig-atomic-buildscripts configuration source 
and following instruction in 
blog post series.

Im able to produce ostree and installer.iso image - BUT 
rpm-ostree-toolbox creates ostree tree with missing grub file, resulting 
in a failing installer.
More details about this problem here: 

Commands used for ostree and installer creation were:
rpm-ostree-toolbox treecompose -c 
~/repos/sig-atomic-buildscripts/config.ini --ostreerepo 

rpm-ostree-toolbox installer -c 
/root/repos/sig-atomic-buildscripts/config.ini \
     --ostreerepo /srv/rpm-ostree/centos-atomic-host/7/ \
     --outputdir /var/www/html/latest/ --overwrite

cp ~/repos/sig-atomic-buildscripts/centos-atomic-host-7.ks /var/www/html/
virt-install --name=atomic-iso --memory=1024 --vcpus=1 \
     --disk=/var/lib/libvirt/images/test.qcow2,size=5 \
     --location /var/www/html/latest/images/installer.iso \
     --noautoconsole --accelerate --os-type=linux --os-variant=rhel7 \
     --extra-args "ks="

Another issue is that also imagefactory KVM centos-atomic-host image 
build fails in anaconda install stage - complaining about unknown 
missing file - might be the same problem - not sure...

Command used for kvm image creation:
rpm-ostree-toolbox imagefactory \
     -c /root/repos/sig-atomic-buildscripts/config.ini -i kvm \
     --ostreerepo /srv/rpm-ostree/centos-atomic-host/7/ \
     --outputdir /srv/rpm-ostree/centos-atomic-host/7/images

Error screenshot from imagefactory launched build VM console:

 From the build VM /tmp/anaconda.log:
21:40:35,454 INFO anaconda: Creating xfs on /dev/vda1
21:40:36,242 INFO anaconda: executing 
ostreesetup=<pykickstart.commands.ostreesetup.RHEL7_OSTreeSetup object 
at 0x7fdd038d3110>
21:40:36,570 ERR anaconda: Failed to pull from repository: Server 
returned status 404: Not Found

Last lines from the build VM /tmp/program.log:
21:40:36,339 INFO program: Running... ostree 
--repo=/mnt/sysimage/ostree/repo remote add --set=gpg-verify=false 
21:40:36,377 DEBUG program: Return code: 0

Any suggestions how to debug it further? Where should I file a bug report?

Kind regards,

Andres Toomsalu,andres at opennodecloud.com <mailto:andres at opennodecloud.com>

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