[CentOS-devel] announcing content from the sign process

Thu Nov 26 10:34:22 UTC 2015
George Dunlap <dunlapg at umich.edu>

On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 10:17 AM, Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org> wrote:
> hi
> SIGs are releasing stuff, the Cloud SIG has had a few updates since
> their initial release, but this content isnt being announced as yet. To
> work towards this, I am going to plumb in an auto email script that
> should send out one notice per SIG per day, for days when that SIG has
> released content. Since the sign, push only runs once a day, it wont be
> a huge number of emails.
> As a test bed, I am going to set this up to send these announcements to
> the CentOS-Devel list ( this list! ), and if everyone feels the format
> etc is fine, we can then start sending them to the CentOS-Announce list.

