[CentOS-devel] Atomic-developer-bundle for inclusion in Atomic SIG

Lalatendu Mohanty lmohanty at redhat.com
Tue Oct 6 08:13:03 UTC 2015

On 10/01/2015 09:53 PM, Lalatendu Mohanty wrote:
> On 10/01/2015 05:53 PM, Karanbir Singh wrote:
>> On 24/09/15 18:17, Jason Brooks wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Joe Brockmeier" <jzb at redhat.com>
>>>> To: "The CentOS developers mailing list." <centos-devel at centos.org>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 5:25:51 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [CentOS-devel] Atomic-developer-bundle for inclusion 
>>>> in Atomic SIG
>>>> On 09/23/2015 08:17 AM, Lalatendu Mohanty wrote:
>>>>> On 09/08/2015 07:08 PM, Lalatendu Mohanty wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> As part of Project Atomic [1],  we are working on a toolchain (as of
>>>>>> now it is a Vagrant box) i.e. atomic-developer-bundle [2], for 
>>>>>> helping
>>>>>> application developers package their microservice architecture
>>>>>> applications for delivery via Linux containers.
>>>>>> ADB (atomic developer bundle) is supported on GNU/Linux 
>>>>>> distributions,
>>>>>> OS X and Windows. It has (or is going to have) all the goodies that
>>>>>> are part of Project Atomic to better enable Linux containers.
>>>>>> Currently, the Vagrant box is based on CentOS. Therefore I think it
>>>>>> makes more sense to include it in the CentOS Atomic SIG or any other
>>>>>> appropriate SIG.  I believe this will open channels with the 
>>>>>> community
>>>>>> and lead to greater participation.
>>>>>> Let me know your thoughts on including the ADB as part of a SIG. For
>>>>>> details please go through the README in ADB github repo [2]
>>>>>> [1] https://github.com/projectatomic
>>>>>> [2] https://github.com/projectatomic/adb-atomic-developer-bundle
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I am still looking for suggestion /comments for this.
>>> I'm +1 as well
>> I'm largely +/- 0 on this, with the slight hesitation that this Atomic
>> is about an atomicapp, and has no real relation to an ostree driven
>> atomic host, which is what we've worked on in the Atomic SIG so far.
>> the SIG proposal also mostly talks about the platform side of things,
>> which AtomicApp isnt a part of.
>> could the atomicapp effort better fit in elsewhere ?
> I cant think of any other place for Atomic App other than Atomic SIG 
> at this point (unless we are going to have a container SIG). Also I 
> think Atomic APP does not fit in Virt SIG  as it just consumes virt SIG .
> Initially Project Atomic was about only atomic host (similar to Atomic 
> SIG) but now it is a umbrella project for many more things. So I think 
> it is better to include the ADB stuff + Atomic APP in Atomic SIG as 
> these are part of Project Atomic umbrella.
> Thanks,
> Lala

I should have mentioned about the requirements I am looking from the SIG 
in the original mail.  Here it is.

1. A dist git for building the Vagrant box. So that we do real build and 
scratch builds. Scratch builds are temporary.
      a.  At this point of time dist gits will not have any packages 
apart from core CentOS. But we cant rule out that we wont add packages 
in future.
      b. We might build multiple Vagrant boxes.

2. A http location where the ADB Vagrant box maintainers would get write 
access. So that we can do a regular releases. We will also reference 
this location from https://atlas.hashicorp.com/atomicapp
     a. We will have a stable box and a testing box. So that community 
can provide feedback on the cutting edge stuff.

Navid and Bex are interested building the box and co-maintain the 
Vagrant box for CentOS community and the above requirement will help me 
to add them as co-maintainers.

KB mentioned (in atomic SIG meeting) that the ADB box can be part of 
Cloud Instance SIG [1] . It think the advantage will be that with Cloud 
Instance SIG we can push the Vagrant box to different public cloud 
providers. KB let me know if I am wrong.

However I think from the community/users point of view it should be part 
of Atomic SIG as the target users are same as the Atomic SIG. Which will 
help the ADB project to grow.

As of now I have access to scratch build the Vagrant box (thanks to 
Atomic SIG). However I do not have access to a http location where I can 
put the box. Also we don't not have dist git for the ADB Vagrant box.

Temporarily KB putting them on 
http://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/vagrant/x86_64/images/  (thanks to KB) 
. However I don't have write access  so I think this location will not 
work out long term as the Vagrant box maintainers will not get write 
access to cloud.centos.org.

[1] https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/CloudInstance


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