[CentOS-devel] New CentOS Atomic Host Release Available Now

Mon Oct 5 18:09:00 UTC 2015
Jason Brooks <jbrooks at redhat.com>

Today we're announcing an update to CentOS Atomic Host (version 
7.20151001), a lean operating system designed to run Docker containers, 
built from standard CentOS 7 RPMs, and tracking the component versions 
included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host.

CentOS Atomic Host is available as a VirtualBox or libvirt-formatted 
Vagrant box, or as an installable ISO, qcow2 or Amazon Machine image. These 
images are available for download at 
cloud.centos.org(http://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/atomic/images/). The 
backing ostree repo is published to 

CentOS Atomic Host includes these core component versions:

* kernel-3.10.0-229.14.1.el7.x86_64
* cloud-init-0.7.5-10.el7.centos.1.x86_64
* atomic-1.0-115.el7.x86_64
* kubernetes-1.0.3-0.1.gitb9a88a7.el7.x86_64
* flannel-0.2.0-10.el7.x86_64
* docker-1.7.1-115.el7.x86_64
* etcd-2.1.1-2.el7.x86_64
* ostree-2015.6-4.atomic.el7.x86_64

If you're running a previous version of CentOS Atomic Host, you can upgrade 
to the current image by running the following command:

## Upgrading

$ sudo atomic host upgrade

## Images

### Vagrant

omic/images/CentOS-Atomic-Host-7-Vagrant-Libvirt.box) (389 MB) and 
/atomic/images/CentOS-Atomic-Host-7-Vagrant-Virtualbox.box) (400 MB) are 
Vagrant boxes for Libvirt and Virtualbox providers. 

The easiest way to consume these images is via the Atlas / Vagrant Cloud 
setup (see 
.com/centos/boxes/atomic-host).  For example, getting the VirtualBox 
instance up would involve running  the following two commands on a machine 
with vagrant installed:

$ vagrant init centos/atomic-host && vagrant up --provider virtualbox 

### ISO

The installer 
aller.iso)  (672 MB) can be used via regular install methods (PXE, CD, USB 
image,  etc.) and uses the Anaconda installer to deliver the CentOS Atomic 
Host.  This allows flexibility to control the install using kickstarts and  
define custom storage, networking and user accounts. This is the  
recommended process for getting CentOS Atomic Host onto bare metal  
machines, or to generate your own image sets for custom environments.

### QCOW2

mic/images/CentOS-Atomic-Host-7-GenericCloud.qcow2) (393 MB)  is suitable 
for use in on-premise and local virtualized environments. We test this on 
OpenStack, AWS and local Libvirt installs. If your virtualization platform 
does not provide its own cloud-init metadata source, you can create your 
/) NoCloud iso image. The Generic Cloud image is also available compressed 
in gz 
enericCloud.qcow2.gz) (391 MB) and xz 
-7-GenericCloud.qcow2.xz) (390 MB).

### Amazon Machine Images

Region         Image ID
------         --------
sa-east-1      ami-1b52c506
ap-northeast-1 ami-3428b634
ap-southeast-2 ami-43f2bb79
us-west-2      ami-73eaf043
ap-southeast-1 ami-346f7966
eu-central-1   ami-7ed1d363
eu-west-1      ami-3936034e
us-west-1      ami-6d9c5a29
us-east-1      ami-951452f0

### SHA Sums


## Release Cycle

The CentOS Atomic Host image follows the upstream Red Hat Enterprise Linux 
Atomic Host cadence. After sources are released, they're rebuilt and 
included in new images. After the images are tested by the SIG and deemed 
ready, we announce them.

## Getting Involved

CentOS Atomic Host is produced by the CentOS Atomic 
SIG(http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/Atomic), based on upstream 
work from  Project Atomic(http://www.projectatomic.io/). If you'd like to 
work on testing images, help with packaging, documentation -- join us! 

The SIG meets weekly on Thursdays at 16:00 UTC in the #centos-devel 
channel, and you'll often find us in #atomic and/or #centos-devel if you 
have questions. You can also join the 
mailing list if you'd like to discuss the direction of Project Atomic, its 
components, or have other questions. 

## Getting Help

If you run into any problems with the images or components, feel free to 
ask on the 
centos-devel(http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-devel) mailing 

Have questions about using Atomic? See the 
atomic(https://lists.projectatomic.io/mailman/listinfo/atomic) mailing list 
or find us in the #atomic channel on Freenode.