[CentOS-devel] C7 i686 kernel driver request

Sat Oct 3 23:57:08 UTC 2015
Alan Bartlett <ajb at elrepo.org>

On 4 October 2015 at 00:43, Peter <peter at pajamian.dhs.org> wrote:
> All very good points, but I have never pulled a module and built it out
> of tree before, and so right now the easier proposition for me is to
> just tweak a config file and try to rebuild the entire kernel.  At some
> point I may try to do what you're suggesting.
> I did have a look and find these directions to help me:
> https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/BuildingKernelModules
> ...the above link will likely be my next step after just trying to
> rebuild the kernel itself.
> Peter

I would also recommend that you install the kernel-doc package and
then study the relevant files therein.
