24.10.2015, 18.23, SZ Quadri kirjoitti: > Can someone kindly enlighten why CentOS-6.7-i386-LiveCD has been > excluded from the checksum provided on > https://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS6.7 > > If you are providing it from all the download sources/mirrors; then > please include the checksum in the release page also so that one can > verify after downloading. > > I want to use 6.7 livecd on some old hardware and have no way to make > sure the image is safe to use. > > If possible kindly do consider adding sha256 checksum to the page. The LiveCD/DVDs have their own release notes pages: https://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOSLiveCD6.7 https://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOSLiveDVD6.7 Those pages contain the sha256sums of the images. These release notes are mentioned in the 0_README.txt file that resides in the isos directory, http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6.7/isos/i386/0_README.txt