[CentOS-devel] Atomic SIG: Joint Test Day with Fedora Atomic Folks

Thu Sep 10 18:31:22 UTC 2015
Dusty Mabe <dusty at dustymabe.com>

On 08/31/2015 03:40 PM, Dusty Mabe wrote:
> Hi All,
> There has been some discussion of doing a joint test day with Fedora
> and CentOS atomic folks. Fedora is having a test day for Fedora Cloud
> base on 9/8 (all are welcome to join us). We were thinking about
> having the joint Fedora/CentOS test day on the following Tuesday
> (9/15). Is this something everyone is interested in?
> To do the test day it would be worth having a test day page like [1]
> and some test cases for people to execute. These test cases can
> probably overlap with the one's fedora has.

In the CentOS Atomic SIG meeting today we decided that Tuesday the 22nd 
would be a good target for this activity. We have planned some 
marketing/promotional stuff for this which should come out early next week.
