[CentOS-devel] vagrant image nits for future update

Fri Apr 1 15:50:25 UTC 2016
Vince Skahan <vds at uw.edu>

I've corresponded with KS in the past regarding the vagrant images (thanks!) but wanted to this to the list to request the vagrant images be tweaked a little in future updates:

*         the /boot partition is too small - starting with a current vagrant image, just one kernel update resulted in complaints about /boot being too full.   Can we consider adding 100MB to the /boot size and changing the installonly_limit in yum.conf down to perhaps 2 to try to live in a tiny /boot without users needing to work that hard after a simple yum update

The manual steps in https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/105026 work ok, as one way to work around it manually.

*         there is no DVD device defined, making it painful to install VirtualBox guest additions.   At a minimum the box should have the device defined there so users don't have to work so hard if they update their kernel.

Possible workarounds including adding a vagrant plugin (https://github.com/dotless-de/vagrant-vbguest) to automate reinstalling the guest additions pretty nicely.

Other workaround is to manually add the device in your Vagrantfile using vb.customize ala:

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
  config.vm.box = "centos/7"
  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
    vb.gui = true
    vb.memory = "1024"
    vb.customize "pre-boot", [
          "storageattach", :id,
          "--storagectl", "IDE Controller",
           "--port", "1",
          "--device", "0",
          "--type", "dvddrive",
          "--medium", "emptydrive",
    vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--clipboard",   "bidirectional"]
    vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--draganddrop", "bidirectional"]
  config.vm.provision "shell", path: "provision.sh"

I'm bringing it up only because these images are 'so' good already, it would be fabulous if no workarounds were needed out of the box.

Thanks again for the rolling vagrant/docker/AMI images - much appreciated.  They really help.

Vince Skahan
Infrastructure Engineering and Support
Office of Research Information Services (ORIS)

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