[CentOS-devel] pcs-0.9.143-15 is not rebranded

Mon Aug 22 21:19:07 UTC 2016
Julien Pivotto <roidelapluie at inuits.eu>

On 22 Aug 22:56, aleksander.baranowski wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry for bothering you, I just joined your list. But when I was using
> different RHEL clone (SL), I found out that package pcs is not
> rebranded. So whey you log into High Availability console (one operating
> on 2224 and https) you have Red Hat logo.
> Source1: HAM-logo.png in rpm is responsible for that.
> There is also favicon in source pcs-0.9.143/pcsd/public/favicon.ico
> which is Red Hat :).
> Moreover there is
> pcs-0.9.143/pcsd/public/css/overpass_bold-web.svg which is font owned
> (???) by Red Hat :(. I don't know if it's important.
> The source of every generated page has also commented Red Hat footer.
> It's probably also not a big deal.
> Bests,
> Alex Baranowski

I opened this bug  report in september, including centos-branded logo.
Please add your observations to this ticket.


best regards,


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 (o-    Julien Pivotto
 //\    Config Management SIG
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