[CentOS-devel] rebuilding packages for ppc

Tue Feb 23 14:54:12 UTC 2016
James O'Connor <jpoc at linux.vnet.ibm.com>

> On Feb 22, 2016, at 6:21 PM, Bryson Lee <Bryson.Lee at sslmda.com> wrote:
> Hi James,
> Thanks for the clarifications!
> Getting the RPM macro environment right fixed the glibc build, and the glibc64 technique got me over the first hurdle with gcc.  I did have to bypass building the gcc-go compiler (actually libgo) due to compile errors that appear to be related to context handling.  Unimportant for my use-case, but I'm not sure how one would ever build the unmodified gcc SRPM on ppc.
> Rebuilding the x11 stack fixed the Mesa build.
> There were some %file conflicts with manpages for certain ppc64  vs. ppc RPMS (nss, krb5, pam, pango, gtk2).  I suspect that there's a "proper" way to deal with this in multilib environments; I took a field-expedient approach of separating the offending files out into a subpackage in the ppc build that then doesn't get pulled in to my yum install transaction.
> Again, thanks much for all your help!
> Regards,
> -Bryson

Glad some of the tips helped. I’ve built 3600+ ppc binary rpms and I’m just about ready take about 1800 of those (mostly libraries) and merge them into the ppc64 repos. Once we do a few days of testing to make sure we didn’t break ppc64, I’ll get the ppc rpms signed and pushed to http://mirror.centos.org/altarch/7.2.1511/os/ppc64/Packages/

gcc-go.ppc worked fine for me. I’m not sure where gcc.ppc and some of the ppc buildrequires will end up. Perhaps on buildlogs.centos.org or an altarch/7.2.1511/os/ppc tree that is useful for building but not installing/running.
