[CentOS-devel] Audio production SIG

Wed Feb 24 14:08:33 UTC 2016
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 02/22/2016 07:14 AM, Tim wrote:
> Hi list,
> I wanted to let you all know that I started a copr project at https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/tikro/centos-audio/
> I'm still in a learning phase but some packages are built.
> Regards
> Tim
> Am 19. Februar 2016 18:29:41 MEZ, schrieb Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>:
>> On 19/02/16 09:14, Tim wrote:
>>> Hey list,
>>> it seems that at least two board members would support an audio
>>> production SIG.
>>> What would be the next step?
>> You need to now get one of them to work with you on getting up the SIG
>> Proposal, take it to the board - work through the questions and
>> requests; then get the mechanics setup and you are off!
>> Ideally though - find a few more people who can help, a SIG run off the
>> back of one person might not scale out too well.

I will be happy to be the CentOS Board member to sponsor this SIG.

What we need is a list of people who will contribute and want to join
this SIG.

Once we have some people (at least 3 would be nice), we can do the
things in the 'Setting up a new SIG' here:


I will be glad to bring this up at the next board meeting after we have
3 volunteers.  Basically, we will maintain all the text sources (SOURCES
and SPECS directory of exploded SRPM, minus binary files) in
git.centos.org and build SRPMs from that content to a repo in
https://cbs.centos.org/.  We can even start the process early initially
by using a github account to hlod the code and we can pull that into
git.centos.org later.

@Tim - if you use freenode IRC. ping me there (hughesjr) and we can talk
more about this.

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