Hi, The Ceph project needs build targets and tags for Ceph Hammer in cbs. We would like to use upstream release names (Hammer, Infernalis...) instead of versions ( http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/releases/ [^] ). Repositories are at: https://github.com/CentOS-Storage-SIG/ceph https://github.com/CentOS-Storage-SIG/ceph-deploy The relevant Hammer git branch is currently sig-storage7-ceph-hammer. So I believe the cbs build target should be: storage7-ceph-hammer-el7 and tags: storage7-ceph-hammer-{candidate,testing,release} Karanbir, Lalatendu, Patrick, Niels, Brian, Lincoln, could you please validate the naming scheme, and then add +1s as requested by Thomas at: https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=10244 François