[CentOS-devel] CentOS PaaS SIG meeting (2016-07-20)

Wed Jul 20 14:49:36 UTC 2016
Troy Dawson <tdawson at redhat.com>

It's time for our weekly PaaS SIG sync-up meeting

Time: 1700 UTC - Wedensdays
Date: Today Wedensday, 20 July 2016
Where: IRC- Freenode - #centos-devel

- OpenShift Current Status
-- rpms
--- origin 1.2.1 released as a security update
--- openshift-ansible-3.2.13 now installable from testing
--- This one should have all the changes we need, will be testing to
go to release
-- Documentation
-- Automated testing
-- images / image building
--- Working on getting Dockerfile.centos7 and .cccp files in origin
---- https://github.com/openshift/origin/pull/9864
- Open Floor