[CentOS-devel] ConfigMgmt SIG Status

Thu Jun 23 07:17:35 UTC 2016
Julien Pivotto <roidelapluie at inuits.eu>

On 22 Jun 21:00, Ben Hosmer wrote:
> I'm having a hard time getting my bearings. Where can I help out?

Hello Ben,

The current status of the SIG is the following:

1. Puppet and Ansible: we do have built tags on CBS, which means that we
can start building RPM packages.

2. Salt, Rudder, Chef: No build tags have been asked. Please fill a ticket
on bugs.centos.org to get the tags for your project.

3. Any member of the sig can create git repositories on

I will have some time tomorrow to work on all of this.

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 (o-    Julien Pivotto
 //\    Config Management SIG
 V_/_   https://frama.link/cfgmgmt
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