[CentOS-devel] Audio production SIG

Sat Mar 19 20:47:34 UTC 2016
Phil Wyett <philwyett at irregulars-engineering.com>

On Fri, 2016-03-18 at 19:20 +0100, Tim wrote:
> Hey Phil,
> that's why I have created a builddep-repo which is a dependency for the
> testing repo. Normally it should have all deps that are necessary.
> Take a look at the build 162917:
> https://copr-be.cloud.fedoraproject.org/results/tikro/epel7-daw-testing/epel-7-x86_64/00162917-ardour4/root.log.gz
> All dependencies were installed.
> hen you take a look at the build-log it seems there problems with glibmm24:
> https://copr-be.cloud.fedoraproject.org/results/tikro/epel7-daw-testing/epel-7-x86_64/00162917-ardour4/build.log.gz
> But the build of glibmm24 has not failed and seems to be ok.
> Any other ideas?
> Thanks and regards
> Tim


Just looking at the dep repo you have at the moment and any issues
arising from building those.

aubio has lash as a dep. However, the lash you have in your main repo,
is the latest upstream tarball version, but is not the latest fedora
revision. Some hackery in the spec to use new swig versions is the issue
and really does not need to be.

In the lash package your using from an older fedora you will see:

sed -i 's|1.3.31|2.0.0|g' configure*

to use swig 2. The latest fedora packages have:

sed -i 's|1.3.31|3.0.0|g' configure*

in order to use swig 3. To make this hackery somewhat sane and clean up
for rhel builds, we could maybe push a change request to the fedora
maintainer. We can make the change to:

# Hacks to build against newer swig versions.
%if 0%{?rhel} == 7
sed -i 's|1.3.31|2.0.0|g' configure*

%if 0%{?fedora} >= 21
sed -i 's|1.3.31|3.0.0|g' configure*

This allows the latest fedora lash revisions to build correctly on el7
(swig 2.0.10) and el6 (swig 1.3.40). Fedora will use swig 3 for all
versions that do have swig 3. All fedora versions prior to 22 are just
to note EOL now and I see no need to get cute and make those work.



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