On 14/11/16 23:16, Troy Dawson wrote: > Sorry, I had meant to reply earlier. > > We (PAAS Sig) need ansible for our OpenShift installer. We already > have it packaged in CentOS, and as it's pointed out, many other groups > are using that package. > > I would like to transition to using the ansible from the Config > Management SIG, as long as it is compatible/comparable to the ansible > released by RHEL and EPEL. I wasn't part of the conversation at > CentOS Interlock, but I sure hope that is one of the goals. > > The problem is, we can't wait until January. Our product is already > out and needs an ansible update to 2.2.0, so that is going to be > coming out soon. We plan on doing our ansible 2.2.0 release, and then > start a transition to using the Config Management ansible. > > That's my plan. If someone has better ideas, I won't mind hearing them. I think thats a sound plan. w.r.t inheriting changes from another SIG's content - I've spoken in the past about having a testable path, so every change for a component needed by SIG A but owned by SIG B, should come through a test(ed/able) path if possible. that would help reduce the number of versions we need to keep around, wherin a SIG had to tag locally content they were not ready to move to upstream yet -- Karanbir Singh +44-207-0999389 | http://www.karan.org/ | twitter.com/kbsingh GnuPG Key : http://www.karan.org/publickey.asc