On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 9:56 AM, Troy Dawson <tdawson at redhat.com> wrote: > Hello, > It's time for our weekly PaaS SIG sync-up meeting > > SAME TIME: 1700 UTC > NEW TIME: Noon Eastern Standard Time > NEW TIME: 11:00 am Central Standard Time > > What??? > UTC does not have daylight savings. So the time did not change. > Most of North America has daylight savings, so the time shifted one > hour earlier. > > Time: 1700 UTC - Wedensdays > Date: Today Wedensday, 16 November 2016 > Where: IRC- Freenode - #centos-devel > > Agenda: > - OpenShift Current Status > -- rpms - We will be building ansible from the OSE repository -- http://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/enterprise/7Server/en/RHOSE/SRPMS/ansible- -- This builds the same as the one in EPEL but doesn't have build dependencies for packages not in RHEL, nor the tests that require those build dependencies. -- When the ConfigManagement SIG get's their ansible builds available, we will transition over to theirs. - We will have ci build the origin 1.4.0 rc1 and openshift-ansible 3.4.0 rpm's in cbs > -- Documentation > -- Automated testing > -- images / image building > - Do we need to change our time? Nope If you weren't able to make the meeting due to the time, please let us know. > - Open Floor - Cockpit would like to build their package in the Paas SIG. Although this isn't the perfect fit, it does fit. -- There were no objections.