Hello, Many people are concerned about OpenShift Origin being updated automatically when they do their normal system updates. This is very understandable. OpenShift is more like an infrastructure than a single program running. We have created openshift-excluder. It will exclude all openshift packages from being updated via yum. (If compiled on fedora, it does the same for dnf) How does it work. 1- yum -y install openshift-excluder * All OpenShift Origin packages are now excluded. 2 - yum -y update * All non-openshift packages are updated 3 - openshift-excluder unexclude * OpenShift Origin packages are no longer excluded. 4 - yum -y update * All packages, including openshift origin packages, are updated 5 - openshift-excluder exclude * All OpenShift Origin packages are excluded again. When the openshift-excluder rpm is completely removed, it will un-exclude openshift packages. Download by hand or grab source: https://cbs.centos.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=4461 Documentation for use: https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/PaaS/OpenShift-Origin-Control-Updates Troy