[CentOS-devel] Status Update: Centos Community Container Pipeline

Thu Aug 3 12:30:24 UTC 2017
Bamacharan Kundu <bkundu at redhat.com>

Hi All,
   Here is an update on the recent works done in Centos Community
Container Pipeline
   * Registry is now accessible through UI, https://registry.centos.org.
we have only https enabled for now. This lists down all the images and
tags  in the registry[1].
   * Sentry is set for monitoring application, with updated application
logs and levels.
   * Build notification emails are now segregated based on the stage the
service running on.
   * Jenkins jobs are now synced with the container-index. It updates
accordingly with changes from container-index[2].

Our recent focus is:
  * Getting the provision script to clear environment before deploying
  * Serialize Dockerfile linters to run before builder builds the image
from it.
  * Getting unnecessary tags cleared from registry.centos.org
  * Updating opnshift origin to use latest versions


Bamacharan Kundu