[CentOS-devel] [Centos-devel][NFV] Is libconfuse-devel package missing from cbs?

Tue Aug 8 21:08:45 UTC 2017
Thomas F Herbert <therbert at redhat.com>

Brian and Troy,


Comments below.

On 08/08/2017 04:49 PM, Brian Stinson wrote:
> On Aug 08 13:37, Troy Dawson wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 1:13 PM, Thomas F Herbert <therbert at redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Troy,
>>> Thanks. Please see below.
>>> On 08/08/2017 04:06 PM, Troy Dawson wrote:
>>> There is no package libconfuse (or libconfuse-devel) in cbs.
>>> That is only in epel, it isn't even in centos extras.
>>> The reason you are able to build the package locally, is because you
>>> have it installed locally, probrubly from epel.
>>> I understand that it is in epel. How do I install epel in CBS? Please see
>>> below where I successfully installed the epel-release RPM which in a local
>>> system installs the epel repo.
>>> On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 12:31 PM, Thomas F Herbert <therbert at redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> All:
>>> Am I doing something wrong?
>>> I get this error in a recent build if vpp when encountering a BuildRequires
>>> pre-requisite in my spec file.
>>> Error: No Package found for libconfuse-devel
>>> I don't get a similar error building the same srpm when doing local builds
>>> with rpmbuild.
>>> ====================snip=========================
>>> cbs build --scratch nfv7-vpp-1710-el7 vpp-17.10-rc0~141_gcb58f95.src.rpm
>>> ,,,from koji logs
>>>   # /usr/bin/yum-builddep --installroot
>>> /var/lib/mock/nfv7-vpp-1710-el7-build-31560-42704/root/
>>> /var/lib/mock/nfv7-vpp-1710-el7-build-31560-42704/root//builddir/build/SRPMS/vpp-17.10-rc0~141_gcb58f95.src.rpm
>>> --setopt=tsflags=nocontexts
>>> Getting requirements for vpp-17.10-rc0~141_gcb58f95.src
>>>   --> Already installed : systemd-219-30.el7_3.9.x86_64
>>>   --> chrpath-0.13-14.el7.x86_64
>>>   --> epel-release-7-9.noarch
>>> Notice here that I state epel as a BuildRequires pre-req before I try to
>>> install libconfuse!
>>>   --> libffi-devel-3.0.13-18.el7.x86_64
>>>   --> 1:openssl-devel-1.0.1e-60.el7_3.1.x86_64
>>>   --> python-devel-2.7.5-48.el7.x86_64
>>>   --> python-virtualenv-1.10.1-3.el7.noarch
>>>   --> glibc-static-2.17-157.el7_3.5.x86_64
>>>   --> 1:java-1.8.0-openjdk-
>>>   --> 1:java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel-
>>>   --> yum-utils-1.1.31-40.el7.noarch
>>>   --> redhat-lsb-4.1-27.el7.centos.1.x86_64
>>> Error: No Package found for libconfuse-devel
>>> --Tom
>> Very interesting.  I didn't notice that.  But it wouldn't work, for two reasons.
>> 1) First, libconfuse-devel is being determined at the same time as
>> epel-release.  It doesn't matter the order you have them in the spec
>> file, they all get yum resolved at the same time.  So epel-release
>> isn't installed when it's trying to determine libconfuse.
>> 2) Everything below is a guess, I'll let one of the centos cbs
>> maintainers say if it's right.
>> On a production koji instance, you don't want random repo's being
>> pulled in during cbs build.  The result can be rather chaotic, because
>> then users don't know where their packages came from, unless they
>> trace through every root.log.
>> Because of this, most production koji instances don't let you pull in
>> anything outside of what they know and have setup.  In essense, epel,
>> and copr, and anything outside of centos land, is blocked.
> ^ Confirmed. The builders are not internet connected in any way.
> Everything is pulled from a mirror internal to the datacenter, or from
> CBS itself.
>> In short, if you need libconfuse for your package to build in cbs,
>> then it has to be in CentOS or cbs (and properly tagged into the repo
>> you are using).
>> Troy
> The right thing to do here is to take libconfuse and its deps (perhaps
> from EPEL SRPMs) and built it into the NFV Tags.
OK, I guess I was hoping that there was an internal epel repo mirror.

Thanks. The list of packages we will have to build in NFV is growing!
> Cheers!
> --Brian
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*Thomas F Herbert*
NFV and Fast Data Planes
Office of Technology
*Red Hat*
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