[CentOS-devel] Centos 7 vagrant image unnecessary packages

Mon Dec 11 16:55:55 UTC 2017
aleksander.baranowski <aleksander.baranowski at yahoo.pl>


As mention in thread  "Broken man pages in vagrant box 1710.01". There
are packages that removal might be consider. First one is centos-logos.
centos-logos are required by plymouth, that add animation during boot.
In my opinion it's not necessary for Vagrant image.

Second one is kernel-firmware. This package don't have any further
dependencies in libvirt image. As said libvirt image is working (in my
case ofc, note that I don't have fully functional test suit for Vagrant
images) without it. Fedora cloud image from
https://app.vagrantup.com/fedora/boxes/27-cloud-base also lives without
this package (at least libvirt box).

I want to notice that I'm unable to provide any additional information
on different vagrant providers, so any critics are kindly welcome.

GPG INFO: 6D5A4CAF 2016-05-17