[CentOS-devel] CentOS Atomic Host: considering rpm-ostree jigdo ♲📦

Thu Dec 7 17:27:12 UTC 2017
Colin Walters <walters at verbum.org>

On Wed, Dec 6, 2017, at 06:37 PM, Jason Brooks wrote:

> It sounds promising to me. I know there's been some pain around repo
> mirroring. What do you need from us to advance this?

We should start thinking about if this would be a new rpm-md repo or if it
would show up in one of the existing ones.  And whether that new rpm-md
repo would contain the "jigdo set" itself or whether it'd just reference
the existing ones.

I think my vote is this appears as a new rpm-md repo but for reliability
that repo also contains (hopefully hardlinks) to the jigdo set RPMs.

There's going to be some period of overlap where we do both, but given
the goal I am assuming we cease updates to the ostree repo at some point.  That's going
to impact anyone who *is* e.g. mirroring it today, but I would be very surprised
if anyone doing that isn't already mirroring RPMs too.

So just questions like that - we don't have to have it all answered right now.