Hi, On 12/11/2017 03:59 PM, Carlos Rodrigues wrote: > In this case, the image dropped by 65 MB by dropping files from > installed packages. Interestingly, the Fedora 27 image is still 67 MB > smaller than this and it keeps the man pages. I know they're not > directly comparable, but it seems to me that this goal could have been > accomplished without breaking use cases. > https://app.vagrantup.com/generic/boxes/fedora27 - 800+M https://alt.fedoraproject.org/cloud/ Fedora Cloud image is about 250M (website says it's 199 ;)). I make quick comparision with my_query_format="%{NAME}\n" && rpm --qf $my_query_format -qa | sort on Fedora 27 cloudimage and generic/centos7 One of the packages that definitely requires removal is centos-logos. I' will make separate thread on this mailing list. Bests, Alex -- GPG INFO: 6D5A4CAF 2016-05-17