[CentOS-devel] Broken man pages in vagrant box 1710.01

Mon Dec 11 16:32:57 UTC 2017
aleksander.baranowski <aleksander.baranowski at yahoo.pl>


On 12/11/2017 03:59 PM, Carlos Rodrigues wrote:
> Also, I regularly use VMs based on other distributions for this
> purpose as well. Currenly, among Fedora, Debian, and Ubuntu, all of
> them keep the man pages in their standard images. I don't know if any
> of those provides an alternative slimmer image where they do more than
> just leaving complete packages out, but that's certainly an option.
This is very solid point.

> Provisioning your own images is an alternative, yes. But doesn't that
> defeat the point of these images? Aren't they supposed to be generic
> images to cover most use cases? I think spinning short-lived VMs for
> interactive use is certainly a common use case. That's the use case
> I'm arguing for.
Fedora generic (generic/fedora27) image is about 800M. Only cloud images
from https://alt.fedoraproject.org/cloud/ are so light.

> Some of the files in the "/usr/share/doc" may be required for
> compliance with some packages' licensing during distribution. I have
> no concrete examples of this, it's just something that occured to me.
I never heard about that, but it might be true.

I made some quick comparison with fedora27 cloud image.

my_query_format="%{NAME}\n" && rpm --qf $my_query_format -qa | sort
And found out that there is package that probably should be removed -
centos-logos, it's about 22MB when installed, probably less for image size.

rpm -qa --queryformat '%{SIZE} %{NAME}\n' | sort -rn
CentOS comes with linux-firmware Fedora without. This package is about
126M when installed. I don't have any knowledge about indispensability
of this package.


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