[CentOS-devel] *A lot* of packages missing from extras/ppc64 repository [was: Re: libssh missing from extras/ppc64 repository]

Fri Dec 15 08:47:59 UTC 2017
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

On 15/12/17 04:52, Mihai Moldovan wrote:
> Since my initial report, either even more packages mysteriously vanished or I
> simply didn't notice the highly diverging number of packages in the ppc64 and
> ppc64le repositories.
> However, as of right now, both repositories have only 24 packages in common.
> 274(!) packages are missing from the ppc64 repository but are available in the
> ppc64le repository.

So let's dive into that assumption : when you say that pkgs are missing
from the Extras repository, are you using the upstream Extras repository
to compare against ?
As said in previous mail, I don't think that there is an Extras channel
for ppc64 (but that exists for ppc64le) but again, that's something also
the ppc64/ppc64le maintainer would have to answer.

BTW if the CentOS Extras policy should indeed be (and we tried to have a
rule enforcement during CBS meetings about this, but no consensus) to
only include packages from upstream Extras repository, then my
understanding is that we 'd even have to delete packages there not in
the upstream extras

But that would not be possible, as that would also mean removing all
centos pkgs like centos-release-* for the SIGs content

For the record of that libssh pkg for ppc64, it was only included in
7.2.1511 os repo for ppc64 (we have a daily snapshot of
mirror.centos.org content) :


but nothing after that, and even in the base distro it was replaced by
libssh2, which is still there :

So I guess that some pkgs from upstream Extras repo were still needed
the previous libssh pkg, so rebuilt in the Extras repo instead, but once
again, something we *never* had (so no, it didn't "vanish" from the
ppc64 repo)

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab

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