[CentOS-devel] [opstools] overwriting package provided config files

Wed Jan 11 14:27:28 UTC 2017
Matthias Runge <mrunge at matthias-runge.de>


for opstools-ansible[1], which installs a monitoring server, we had the
brief discussion of overwriting/replacing package provided config files
vs. adding changes to a .d directory for the application.

Specifically, this was the request for collectd. Additional plugins and
are loaded and configured by placing a respective config snippet
to /etc/collectd.d/...conf.

The question is: is it a valid expectiation, that operators wouldn't
want the package provided config file /etc/collectd.conf modified?

Do you care at all?


[1] https://github.com/centos-opstools/opstools-ansible
Matthias Runge <mrunge at matthias-runge.de>