[CentOS-devel] Any plans to update sclo-vagrant1?

Fri Jan 20 11:20:00 UTC 2017
Laurentiu Pancescu <lpancescu at gmail.com>


Oracle actively supports two VirtualBox release lines: 5.0 and 5.1.  In 
my experience, 5.1.x releases are a little faster in some operations, 
but have some annoying bugs that 5.0.x don't.  Oracle prominently 
features 5.1 as the default download, and it is also the version in the 
repos of most Linux distros (Debian Jessie backports[1], Testing and 
Unstable, Arch, OpenSUSE, OpenMandriva, Ubuntu 16.10 - only Ubuntu 16.04 
LTS has 5.0).

The CI test for our Vagrant images already tested with libvirt-kvm and 
VirtualBox 5.0; I extended it for testing with VirtualBox 5.1 as well, 
in a branch, but the test fails because sclo-vagrant1, based on upstream 
Vagrant 1.8.1, only supports VirtualBox up to version 5.0 (support for 
5.1 first came in Vagrant 1.8.5).  Are there any plans to upgrade 
sclo-vagrant1 to a more recent upstream version, or perhaps backport the 
support for 5.1 to the current sclo-vagrant1? [2]

If you'd rather update to a newer version, Vagrant 1.9.1 broke at least 
private networking (eth0 is preconfigured by our image, but the 
additional network interfaces that Vagrant 1.9.1 configures don't get an 
IP address - I assume public networking is broken as well, but I only 
tried private networking).  I also saw some entries concerning NFS in 
the upstream issue tracker, not sure if it's caused by the same bug. 
Versions 1.9.0 and 1.8.6 work for me.

Best regards,

[1] https://www.debian.org/security/2016/dsa-3699