[CentOS-devel] Updating/upgrading SCL components

Fri Jan 13 05:09:39 UTC 2017
Remi Collet <Fedora at FamilleCollet.com>

Le 12/01/2017 à 23:32, C. L. Martinez a écrit :
> Hi all,
>  I have installed a new CentOS 7 vm fully updated. For technical reasons, I need to use MySQL 5.6.x, PHP 5.6 and NGNIX 1.x web server. To accomplish this, I have decided to use SCL components from CentOS's http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/sclo/, but I have some doubts/questions:
>  a/ What are the differences between rh-php56-X. and sclo-php56-X packages, for example??

First prefix is the "vendor" (author of the collection)

rh-* package are packages from (maintained by) Red Hat
(also available in RHSCL official channel for RHEL)

For PHP, the content is mostly the same than in base repo.

sclo-* packages are community packages from the SCLO Sig

These additional packages are mostly like additional packages available
in EPEL for base repo (EPEL doesn't allow SCL for now).

>  b/ When these tools will be updated? .. In concrete with NGINX version. Official's NGINX stable release is 1.10.x, but in SCL repos only appears 1.8.X release .. Why?

Minor updates have happen in the past, this may happen again.
(rh-php56 have been recently rebased from 5.6.25 to 5.6.25)

Major updates are only possible in new collection (rh-php56 => rh-php70)

For nginx, initial version was 1.6 (nginx16 collection), now we have 1.8
(rh-nginx18) and we can imagine a new rh-nginx110 collection later (I
can't say, and I don't even know if this will exists)
