[CentOS-devel] "7" still points to 7.2.1511 on vault.centos.org

Fri Jan 20 07:35:19 UTC 2017
Evgeniy Ivanov <e601809 at gmail.com>

Hi Folks,

Will 7.3 be updated?
There are no cloud packages


On 01/17/2017 12:21 PM, Johnny Hughes wrote:
 > On 01/16/2017 08:47 AM, Laurentiu Pancescu wrote:
 >> Hi,
 >> I received an email about the inability to download the current kernel
 >> sources from our Vagrant images:
 >>   % yumdownloader --source kernel
 >>   ...
 >>   No source RPM found for kernel-3.10.0-514.2.2.el7.x86_64
 >>   No source RPM found for kernel-3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64
 >> I think this is caused by vault.centos.org, not by our Vagrant images: I
 >> can see centos-release-7-2.1511.el7.centos.2.10.x86_64.rpm under
 >> http://vault.centos.org/centos/7/os/x86_64/Packages/ - perhaps the "7"
 >> symlink hasn't been switched to 7.3.1611 yet?  "6" points to 6.8
 >> packages, the current release in the 6.x series.
 > fixed for centos/7/

NOTE:  Fixed on the master server, will take time to propagate

 > we need a few more things in altarch/7/ before I can fix that one.

Best Regards,
Evgeniy Ivanov