[CentOS-devel] How should a SIG setup dependencies on Ansible

Thu Jan 26 17:17:59 UTC 2017
Sandro Bonazzola <sbonazzo at redhat.com>

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Niels de Vos <ndevos at redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> In the Storage SIG we have several tools that depend on Ansible. What
> would be the best approach to make the Ansible packages available for
> users that want to install these tools?
> For a concrete example, the gdeploy tool for Gluster can automate
> installation and configuration of Gluster and integrated projects (like
> Samba and NFS-Ganesha) through a simple configuration file. Internally
> gdeploy generates Ansible playbooks and can run them.
> Lets assume we put gdeploy in a YUM repository from the Storage SIG.
> Because gdeploy depends on Ansible, we either need to:
> a. tag/sign/push some Ansible package from the CBS in the Storage SIG
> b. add a dependency on centos-release-<ansible?> in the
>    centos-release-gluster package (which c-r-ansible?)
> c. something else (please specify)
> My preference would be to go with (b). I do not really want to care
> about the Ansible packages and their updates. It would be easier for me
> to have the SIG providing Ansible take care of that.

That will be interesting for Virt SIG as well, since oVIrt 4.1 uses ansible
as well for configuring metrics related stuff.

> Thanks,
> Niels

Sandro Bonazzola
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