[CentOS-devel] Updated CentOS images for Vagrant

Tue Jul 4 16:11:57 UTC 2017
Laurentiu Pancescu <lpancescu at centosproject.org>

Hello Vagrant users,

we just released updated CentOS images for Vagrant, v1706.01.  That's 
not that interesting in itself, since there are just updated packages 
(nothing else), but Hashicorp moved the hosting of all Vagrant images 
away from Atlas, to Vagrant Cloud.  To add to the confusion, they didn't 
move it back to vagrantcloud.com, where it used to be - they host it on 
app.vagrantup.com.  They wrote that they will provide redirects, so the 
move should be transparent for end users.  I didn't try if SCL Vagrant 
still works, but a small tool I wrote, Endymion, still uses Atlas links 
and works just as before (except for an extra redirect).

On the positive side, "centos/7" is now the fourth most popular image on 
Vagrant Cloud:


If you encounter any problems after the move away from Atlas, please 
post a message to the list.

Best regards,
