[CentOS-devel] [scl.org] [SCLo SIG] new sclo-php*-php-tidy packages available for testing

Thu Mar 9 13:10:37 UTC 2017
Remi Collet <Fedora at FamilleCollet.com>

Yet another package available in centos-sclo-sclo-testing

	The php-tidy package contains a dynamic shared object that will
	add support for using the tidy library to PHP.


For rh-php56 (EL-7 only)

* sclo-php56-php-tidy-5.6.25-1.el7

For rh-php70 (EL-7 only)

* sclo-php70-php-tidy-7.0.10-1.el7


- this extension is already  available in upstream collection
  for CentOS/RHEL 6 (rh-php56-php-tidy and rh-php70-php-tidy)

- this extension requires "libtidy" which is not part of
  CentOS/RHEL 7, but available in EPEL-7.

- in both versions the yum install "rh-phpxx-php-tidy" will work.


P.S. https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo