[CentOS-devel] liburcu-bp and liburcu-cds version conflicts

Thu Nov 2 12:42:55 UTC 2017
Niels de Vos <ndevos at redhat.com>

On Thu, Nov 02, 2017 at 12:10:16PM +0100, Alexander Wigen wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm hitting a conflict when using Ceph and oVirt 4.2beta.
> The upcoming oVirt 4.2 release is pulling in ~liburcu-cds.so.6 where Ceph is
> requiring liburcu-cds.so.1. And the same for liburcu-bp.
> Here is the output from yum update:
> http://pastebin.centos.org/411116/

This happens due to a conflict between packages from the CentOS Storage
SIG and Fedora EPEL. The combination of these repositories is not (well)
tested and it seems the lttng-ust package from EPEL is the culprit. If
you do not need lttng-ust, you should be able to uninstall that package
and use userspace-rcu from the Storage SIG.

This has also been reported as https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=14053

The best way forward is to get an updated version of userspace-rcu in
Fedora EPEL and get the dependent packages rebuilt. I'll report it as a
bug against EPEL and will update the CentOS bug once done.
